Guiding you to a flourishing, purposeful & deeply connected life

  • Discover

    Are you unable to discern your calling for your life or what’s your next step? I will lead you to discover your true life's purpose and give you the tools to achieve the goals, needs, and desires that are part of your calling. Journey into self-discovery to see real results and impactful change. Walk into a meaningful life you’ve been dreaming of.

  • Flourish

    Are you struggling with being present, feeling burnout or finding joy? It's more common than you think. I have techniques to help you thrive and grow the life you dream of. It's time to live more holistically and purposefully to experience a present and joy-filled life now. You can thrive, not just survive as you live a life you want.

  • Connect

    Are your self-limiting beliefs keeping you from connecting with people or excelling at your job? I will work with you to process self-doubt and give you the tools to better connect with others and open yourself up to intimacy with people in ways you've never experienced. It's time to live a connected, purposeful, and more integrated life.

Hilary Horn is guiding you to a flourishing, purposeful & deeply connected life. Based in Seattle, but with online options for clients worldwide. Professional coaching, debrief, sabbatical coaching, pastoral coaching, values coaching, christian coach

My passion is to unlock potential and transform lives with proven methods and intentional conversation so you can fully live out your calling holistically - in your personal and professional life.

Hilary Horn is a certified coach that has helped hundreds live a deeply authentic, connected, and flourishing life. Focusing on debrief weeks, individual coaching, workshops and sabbatical coaching. She helps see people walk in healing and health.

Hi, I’m Hilary.

I have served as a professional coach, designer, missionary, church planter, and pastor in a variety of roles. But, my passion is to serve ministry leaders, mothers, young professionals and working parents through debrief and coaching opportunities to empower them in their wellness and spiritual journey. I have traveled and worked in over 30 different countries around the world; working with individuals in social injustice. My desire is to see all people heal and move into more thriving lives who have experienced any level of trauma.

I help my clients grow in their wellness, walk them through healing, and provide the tools to completely transform their lives as they work towards holistic health. I specialize in 3-5 day intensive debriefs for those in a season of significant transition or change, have experienced a crisis or want to unpack an event or season of their life.

I spent over a decade in nonprofit leadership and cross cultural work, advocating for healthy leaders who want to use their life to impact the world - for the long run.

Debriefing is a guided 5 day rest where many people come having gone through a lot of transition, grief, crisis, and injustice at varying levels. Best for ministry leaders, missionaries, nurses, christian debrief, pastors, trauma experience. Seattle

Have you experienced transition, grief, crisis, or injustice at varying levels in the past few years?

Debriefing is a time set aside for you to purposefully share your story and intentionally process a certain timeframe of your choosing. Move forward with clarity, hope and momentum through a 1-5 day guided debrief.

What People Are Saying

Are you ready for lasting change?

We are all on a journey and coaching isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes honesty, grit, commitment and vulnerability to move into the life we want. That’s why having someone safe to help you navigate this process is so impactful and important.

I am here to cheer you on and help guide you in discovery as you experience a beautiful, flourishing and more connected life. If you are ready to say yes to that change, book an intro coaching session today.