I currently spend my days as wife, mother, friend, and coach. My husband and two little boys consume my heart and make my household a little wild. The Puget Sound area has been home for most of our lives. In the past, I have served as a designer, missionary, church planter, and pastor in a variety of roles. I have a well rounded resume, but my passion is to serve ministry leaders, mothers, young professionals and working parents through debrief and coaching opportunities to empower them in their wellness and spiritual journey.

I’m constantly curious and enjoy learning what motivates others, gleaning inspiration from my surroundings, and what’s happening in the world around me. I have traveled and worked in over 30 different countries around the world; working with individuals in the sex industry, child-led homes, homelessness, abuse, war torn areas, addictions, natural disasters and severe poverty. My desire is to see all people heal and move into more thriving lives who have experienced any level of trauma. Culture and adventure are important to me and passing that onto my kids. Experiencing the beauty of creation and cities is very life giving for me.

I love hospitality, serving up nourishing and whole foods, and participating in vibrant conversations. I love to celebrate and have an excuse to channel my Pinterest boards. Making people feel seen, heard and valued is important to me. Hygge is a vibe most of the year for our family, except when the sun blesses us with its presence for about 3 months out of the year in Seattle. Then you can find our family as close to the beach or outdoors in our garden as much as possible. 

My first coaching experience changed my life. What I thought I needed therapy for — I actually needed a great coach! I spent over a decade in nonprofit leadership and cross cultural work, advocating for healthy leaders who want to use their life to impact the world for the long run. Seeing missionaries, pastors, CEOs, young professionals, students, mothers and other world changing leaders grow and impact their communities powerfully is my goal. Coaching has allowed my clients to thrive, not just survive in their workplaces, home, personal relationships and self care. I say ‘no’ to burnout and ‘yes' into a flourishing life!

Coaching has been a powerful and transformative tool to see people bloom and make lasting changes. I have been trained and equipped to help you discover and clarify your purpose, giftings and unique identity. Using methods and proven tools to see you walk into a transformative and meaningful life that impacts those around you. To see leaders like you walk in health and wholeness in mind, body and soul. It is one of my greatest honors to serve you in this way.

Let’s start working towards living a life that you have dreamed and hoped for through coaching.

Licensing, Certifications & Memberships

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