Debriefing | Move forward with clarity, hope and momentum.

Debriefing is a time set aside for you to purposefully share your story and intentionally process a certain timeframe (of your choosing). Debriefing is a guided 1-5 day rest where many people come having gone through a lot of transition, grief, crisis, and injustice at varying levels. By the end of the session people will receive perspective on their circumstances, find healing, forgiveness, and freedom so they can move forward. You will also have a space to take steps in cultivating resilience which will leave you with renewal into your life moving forward.

Christian Debriefing for the missionary, pastor, ministry leader, nurse, caregiver, overworked, stuck, lonely, depressed, sabbatical, faith based, forgiveness, God, Jesus, injustice, grief, loss, resilience training, wholeness, Hilary Horn, Coaching

Hilary is a trained debriefer with high level experience and skills in debriefing, spiritual direction, coaching and pastoral care.

5 Day Debrief

  • Honestly share and process your journey

    Process through your own personal time of reflection

    Participate in specialized debriefing activities

    Reflect on relevant life questions in a safe environment

    Have a structure that will be specific and sensitive to your own emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

    Have a greater understanding of how you relate to yourself, others and God.

    Integrate past challenges and successes into your life story

    Everything you share will remain confidential

    Begin to look toward the next step of your journey

    Cultivate resilient steps as you move forward

  • Experience a healthy transition

    Helps a person make sense of changes, concerns, criticisms, conflict, and crises

    Brings closure to difficult circumstances and celebrates accomplishments

    Helps prevent deeper mental and emotional pain from developing

    Affirmation, guidance and renewal

    Gives direction and more positive movement into the future

    Sets time aside to be with God and get His perspective on past experiences.

    Experience God's touch and find healing for losses, disappointments, offenses, and pain

    Gain practical tools to help you move forward with momentum towards your well being

  • You are going through a lot of change

    You have gone through a crisis or trauma

    You haven't taken a sabbatical from ministry or work in years

    You have gone through injustice

    You have gone through loss

    You are feeling stuck or overwhelmed

    You need a space to reflect on a season of life

    You feel like you are "just going through the motions" in the midst of your activities

    You feel burdened, stressed, or burned out

    You experience unstoppable negative thought patterns

    Conflict or uneasiness develops in your relationships

    You feel like you want to quit

    You have lost a sense of who you are and where you are going, or your calling from God

    You need a time of yearly reflection and renewal

  • Individual - $775

    Couple - $1200

    If you are a missionary or nonprofit leader and these costs are financially impossible, please contact me to explore options. I do not want finances to keep you from the benefits of this debriefing.

  • Debriefing is a 5-day intensive experience offered to you in-person or on a secure online platform.

    If you need lodging for in person visits, that can be arranged in Seattle.

    Online options available for those that cannot easily travel or who do not live in the Seattle area.

    For in person visits: arrival will be on Sunday afternoon or evening of the week of the debrief.

    You will be meeting in Hilary’s cozy home office.

    Monday through Friday mornings will be spent with Hilary for about 2-3 hours where you take detailed time to share your story and work through a timeline of a season of life of your choosing.

    Each afternoon and evening is time given for personal “Out of Session Work” that usually take anywhere from 1-3 hours. You will have off site places recommended to you to visit or you can return to your lodging.

    During our time, we will cover your timeline, go over grief, loss, transition, resiliency work, emotional health and looking ahead at the future. There are also other resources for those that may be dealing with burn out, spiritual abuse, cross cultural stress or depression.

    The debrief will be finished by Friday early afternoon. Departure can be arranged for Friday after 2pm or on Saturday

Birth Debrief

Birth is often one of the biggest experiences of your life. The period of time before and after giving birth can be an upheaval. Even for mothers who have been through birth before, every birth is a new experience. There can be questions about what happened, confusion, or trauma and fear. Birth debriefing can help you to make sense of what happened, and why, and it can end the cycle of internalizing your feelings and creating more distress.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do”



  • There is something special about sitting in the same room and seeing someone as they listen empathetically to our story. This makes in-person debriefings very special experiences. However, face-to-face isn't always possible. If face-to-face were the only option, we might miss out on processing events or seasons from which we could truly benefit. So YES! An online debriefing is not only possible, but I highly recommend it, if doing a face-to-face debriefing isn't an option.

  • Many people offer debriefing. However, few are actually trained and skilled in debriefing. Hilary has the qualifications and this ensures you get a top-quality debriefing experience. Not only that, but Hilary has personally lived and served overseas (over 30 countries), has an extensive background in social injustice work, cross-cultural, pastoral and missionary care. It’s hard to find a debriefer who has actually lived in many of your lived stories! Her empathy and wisdom will add an extra level to your debrief experience that you won’t be able to get elsewhere.

    Debriefing is considered as the “least we can do for our people” by many governments, Christian denominations, FMI, YWAM, Operation Mission, Cru, Wycliffe Bible, SEND and other non profit organizations.

  • Some research says that those who debrief after trauma are less likely to experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. For normal transitions and everyday events, you might not notice the missing benefits of debriefing: increased integration in your story, intentional meaning-making, and past learning readily usable for the future.

  • Birth debriefs take 1 day and 5 day debriefs all depends on what you want to debrief and how much of a verbal processor you are. A minimum time to set aside is 1.5-2 hours each day, but we make space for 3 hours. You will have 1-3 hours of out of session work each day as well. So I ask that when thinking about schedules, you try and clear your entire day for debriefing.

  • I use a debriefing blueprint based off the Le Rucher model. This is a proven method of assessing events of life in a safe and supportive environment with a Christian focus. However, I implement more strategies for personal mental, physical and spiritual health, growth and to increase their resilience so that they flourish in the environment in which they serve.

  • Absolutely! I recommend participating in a debrief annually. Some people enjoy this for yearly reflection, or after they have experienced a certain event they need to process. There are trauma debriefs, event debriefs, birth debriefs, transitional debriefs, and yearly debrief opportunities. Depending on the season of life you want to process, we can curate what will best fit your needs.

What People Are Saying about Debriefing with Hilary

“Hilary was so kind. She gave a lot of space for processing but didn't hesitate to give firm advice. You know that she cares because she not only embraced me but also desired me to grow and overcome.”

— Philip, University of the Nations Kona Campus Leadership Team Member

“We were able to see clearly what brought us life and what didn’t during the past 5 years we debriefed together. Debrief gave us revelation on hurts and how to move forward into what's next for us. I enjoyed every minute and recommend it to couples who need to process some major life events.”

— Missionary Couple

Debriefing the last several years of ministry with Hilary was exactly what I needed to finish and transition well. Debriefing afforded me the time and space to intentionally reflect on my story, call out aspects of it for what they were, process it with an empathetic listener, and prayerfully gain the Lord's perspective. Throughout the whole process, Hilary's engagement with my story made me "feel felt" and gave me a tangible way to experience the compassion and care of Jesus. After years of ministry, I think the value of a debrief cannot be overestimated, and I would highly recommend taking the time to work through your story with someone who cares and knows how to journey with you through the ups and downs it inevitably brings... someone like Hilary!

— LD, Global Frontier Missions

“Debriefing with Hilary helped us to see clearly the situation we are in right now despite coming into it with so many unknowns. We loved all the worksheets and tools to help process and move forward! We hoped to have help to recognize areas of success and failure over this past year particularly because of the hardships and grief we experienced. We were able to see areas we could celebrate and areas we need growth.

— J&T, YWAM Europe

Naming the spiritual abuse that occurred and having some of the weight taken off myself was so useful during my debrief. Hilary is great. I highly recommend working with her. She is sharp and a great listener. I am grateful for the resources she has led me too.

— LS, Former Youth Pastor

“I am thankful for the tools, time, and space Hilary created to help me debrief that last 12 years of my career. I have deeper understanding and clarity around those last years and feel better prepared and equipped to enter the next season of transition.”

— JF, Librarian