Christian coaching in Seattle and online. Coaching for the modern mom, overworked, stuck, lonely, depressed, sabbatical, faith based, forgiveness, God, Jesus, injustice, grief, loss, resilience training, wholeness, Hilary Horn, Coaching

What is Coaching?

A coach is someone who empowers others by helping them make, meet and exceed goals in both their personal and professional lives. Coaching is an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out their calling - in their life and profession. Coaching uses active listening and powerful questions to guide you into a journey of awareness, new perspectives, knowledge, learning and discovery. Coaches help draw out what has already prepared in you with many different tools to help clients meet their goals and reshape their life around this learning. Coaching helps you discover your own story and live a flourishing life.

An effective coach leaves each person being coached with increased self-confidence, clearer direction, and greater fulfillment than he or she would have had otherwise. Every conversation is expected to produce discoveries, insights and action steps. Building upon a journey towards holistic health and leading you into a significant and vibrant life. Coaching empowers and helps people flourish and live out their full potential. Coaching supports and encourages calling, giftings and unique potential that each person has in their sphere of influence and home. 

At its core, coaching equips people to move from where they are toward the greater competence and fulfillment they desire. Coaching is the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are, to where they want to be.

I am a member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and adhere to their competencies, practices and standards.

How coaching can help you..

The reasons people want coaching are endless, and as unique as the person. With coaching, you do not have to navigate life’s challenges on your own. Areas I’ve helped clients have success and growth:


Navigating major transitions
Career advancement
Leadership development
Building healthy relationships
Creating healthy boundaries
Marriage & Family
Stress & mindfulness
Significant lifestyle changes
Spiritual direction
Grief & loss
Character development
Discerning Calling
Reaching goals faster
& more!


  • Therapy is similar to coaching in many ways. Both use evidence-based techniques and intentional dialogue as the primary tools for growth and discovery, but there are also key differences between these services. Coaching focuses primarily on the present and future, while therapy focuses on the past, present and future. Coaching is focused on things like personal growth and professional development, while therapy is designed to help you work through much larger mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Coaches will never diagnose or prescribe medications and will refer you to a therapist if these needs arise.

  • Your first session is called a “Discovery Session” where you and I will get to know each other and explore what coaching is, how it can help you achieve your goals and explore what these aspirations are in a larger scale. The next step will be setting up a “Coaching Series” where we take on 2-3 of these goals into a manageable timeline which are usually around 10-12 sessions together. We will have video calls on Google Meet for a hour long session 2-3 times a month where I will help answer questions that will guide you on your path to growth and success. You will see immediate growth by the end of our Coaching Series.

  • Currently, insurances are not accepted. You will need to pay out of pocket on my online platform per session. However, it may be covered through an employer benefits program such as tuition reimbursement or educational stipend. You will need to ask your employer, but many have budgets for coaching.

  • Please aim to cancel a session at least 24 hours in advance, so a new session may be scheduled. Sessions cannot be made up in the future. If you miss it without notice, then you will get a $50 coupon for your next session, but will not be refunded for the full amount.

“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” Proverbs 20:5

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Are you ready for success?