Core Values Workshop

Many of us start a new year off with a list of goals, hopes and dreams. But statistically, those fade, fizzle out or just get stuck on the list. Obviously, coaching can help make those goals a reality, but even more important is knowing your values. We often do things because we think we need to or see others doing it. But what really matters most to us? Are we listening? Do we know?

This year, I am offering a core values workshop. I have witnessed that when you know 3-5 core values about yourself, the rest of your life easily comes together. Past clients have told me how revolutionary this is for them. You’re quicker to set better boundaries. You know where you’re headed and how to get there. Your values help to create a clear guideline, rule of life AND limits of how you would like to be treated and run your life. They are so important! However, many of us do not take the proper time to uncover them. We let our environments dictate it for us and it leads to unhealth.

May 2023 be a time where you invest in discovering your unique values so you can live a more connected, empowered and authentic life.

Do  you know what is most important to you? Not your parents, friends, partner, coworkers think, but YOU?

How do you shape your decisions and navigate your life? The answer to these questions are in each and everyone of us, but often something manages to get in the way. 

Knowing core values has really impacted how I live my life and how I approach situations, particularly difficult ones like conflict. If I have a particularly anxious day or week, it’s nice to look at how unaligned I am with my values and readjust accordingly. Having those tools and resources is really helpful in my everyday life - health, family, ministry and workplace. It’s pretty radical and I am thankful!
— GC, Career Professional

7 signs you are living outside of your values:

See if any of these signs sound familiar:

  1. Frequent compulsive or neurotic behaviors (like needing to be busy or overworking)

  2. A feeling of floundering with a a lack of personal development, learning and growth

  3. Imposter Syndrome

  4. Persistent addictions to food, drink, media, or something else that consume your attention

  5. A "hidden" lack of self-worth (feeling like you're not enough)

  6. Letting others dictate your life and run your schedule

  7. People pleasing (having a hard time saying “no”)

Many of us operate outside of our values because we have never taken time to really know what they are. We also are riding the current of the unspoken values of modern culture like image, money, power, success, and sex. While these values may be part of our nature, they don’t define who we are. These inherited values tend to pull us away from our higher selves like a strong magnet. They don't uplift us as individuals and inspire us to grow.

Thankfully, there's a simple solution for all of this ...

And so a growing number of us are waking up to the realization that values can be powerful guides to your decisions, attitudes, behaviors, and actions. 

More and more of us are taking matters into our own hands. And defining our values is part of this growth, maturity and living a flourishing life. The reality is that most people don't know how important values are.

But even if you figure this out, it can be challenging to limit your primary values to only a few. With hundreds of values to choose from, how do you narrow your values down to the real 3 that matter to you? How do you know you're selecting your true values and not someone else's? How do you make them stick and your life is aligned with them?

This workshop will answer these questions. You’ll have worksheets, personality tests and understanding your story to sort out what your values really are. After this, you will have a 1-on-1 coaching session with me to discern, process and nail them down to 3-5 true core values. 

Once you have these, I guarantee you will start living a more honest, authentic and flourishing life. A life that isn’t floundering, but focused. A life full of purpose, not confusion. A life of worth that is fully connected and alive.


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