Why Daily Journal Prompts Will Change Your Life

Journaling is a wonderful way to process your emotions and to help make sense of the world around you. It can inspire creativity, allows you to focus on personal growth, and can even help you dig into your relationships. Take it from my first-hand experience: daily journal prompts will totally transform your mindset. Not only does journaling help you put things into perspective (and improve your penmanship), but it also allows you to be more aware of what's going on around you, to get more in touch with your emotions, and help you grow. 

Try out these 3 for 3 daily journal prompts that are simple, but how impactful. Make it even more easy and try writing in a stream of consciousness format (where you write down what you think as soon as I think it). This helps process thoughts that you may haven't been able to process yet. Sometimes this is a great tool to help you think more clearly and feel less overwhelmed. Because the great thing about journaling is that no one has to see it but you. 

3 things that were joyful 

Whether you choose to write every morning about the day before, or you cozy up with your journal and a cup of tea at night to write about your day, highlight three things that encouraged you or made you smile. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the bad things happening, both personally and worldwide, but when you focus on the good, the good really does get better. It will also make a huge impact at the end of your week, then your month, then your year, to look back on all the goodness you experienced.

3 Acts Of Kindness

Remembering back on acts of kindness — either from yourself or from other people — will remind you of how many good people are in your life! These acts of kindness can be as simple as giving someone a compliment or paying it forward at your favorite Starbucks.

3 Self Affirmations

It's absolutely vital to growth and our relationships to others that we get to know ourselves. You can tailor your self affirmations to something you need to hear in the moment, write the same thing every day, or set the goal to write something new every single day. Once you understand the roots of everything from your insecurities to your favorite memories, then you'll be able to be a truer version of yourself!

Want some easy printable help that is more catered to your needs? Try these out!


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