Your Path to Healing Begins Here: Sign Up for a Debriefing Program

My highly acclaimed debriefing program is back this year, and I want to personally invite you to be a part of it.

Whether you've experienced a major life change, navigated a crisis, or simply feel the need to gain clarity and momentum in your journey, my debriefing sessions are designed for you. As a seasoned life coach with a background in social justice, pastoral care, cross-cultural experiences, and missionary service, this program offers a unique blend of empathy and wisdom.

This is more than a debrief; it's a journey toward healing and self-discovery. Online and in-person spots are now available for 2024. Secure your spot now to fully process, heal, and move forward with renewed purpose. Visit my website to enroll for 2024 or find out more information.

What is debriefing?

"Debriefing" is a structured 5 day intensive that is reflective work and dialogue about experiences, stressors, losses, failures, successes and the recovery of hope & faith. It is a 5 day intensive therapy program that helps people:

  • Bring closure to difficult circumstances and celebrate accomplishments

  • Make sense of changes

  • Process concerns and criticisms (both external and internal)

  • Work through conflicts

  • Heal through crisis

  • Validate thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences

  • Find healing for losses, dissapointments and pain

  • Experience God’s touch

  • Reaffirm identity

  • Refocus purpose for future growth and development

Move forward with clarity, hope and momentum.

By the end of the intensive, people will receive perspective on their circumstances, find healing, forgiveness, and freedom so they can move forward. You will also have a space to take steps in cultivating resilience which will leave you with renewal into your life moving forward. This debrief can be done individually or as a couple.

Who is debriefing for?

You are going through a lot of change

You have gone through a crisis or trauma

You haven't taken a sabbatical from ministry or work in years

You have gone through injustice

You have gone through loss

You are feeling stuck or overwhelmed

You need a space to reflect on a season of life

You feel like you are "just going through the motions" in the midst of your activities

You feel burdened, stressed, or burned out

You experience unstoppable negative thought patterns

Conflict or uneasiness develops in your relationships

You feel like you want to quit

You have lost a sense of who you are and where you are going, or your calling from God

You need a time of yearly reflection and renewal

You transitioned into something new

Does this sound like you?

If you have more questions or want to see my availability, contact me today!


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